Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jackson Abernathy @ 18 Months - Indianapolis Family Portrait Photography

My little buddy Jackson is a full on little boy and no longer a baby. He even knows where his belly button is! It has been a true pleasure watching him grow up. The day started off a little rough. He really wasn't feeling the camera and didn't want to smile. Pretty much right when grandma and grandpa showed up is when he started to loosen up. He was looking for some tomato's to pick but realized he was little early on that front.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Twenty Ten for an Indianapolis Wedding Photographer

Year in review from the eyes of my business:

This was a year of growth, learning, and fulfillment.

Growth was a huge part of 2010 both from the tangible and intangible. The photography industry is forever evolving. Not only is the equipment always being improved but so are clients expectations. I make it a point to stay on top of both. Embracing this change has made me a better all around organization.

I hope that each year brings as much knowledge as the last 12 months have. From listening to seasoned industry veterans to answering questions on my own it has been a great year. There have been a few people that have been instrumental in this and for them I am thankful.

The feeling of fulfillment came from my clients. Each positive comment whether it was through a phone call, text message, or Facebook comment it was always a satisfying feeling knowing that they appreciated my work and level of service that I provided.

I want to thank everyone who has given me the opportunity to document your family, wedding, engagement, or event. I hope the photos that I provided to you will be something that you can look back and happily remember that point in your life. My prayers are with all of you that 2011 brings you everything that you hope for.