Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Evan "EJ" Swann

A soon to be professional athlete Evan showed his skills behind the wheel, with the football, and with the basketball. He got to play in the snow and other than when we tried to get him to do a snow angel, he enjoyed it. It was unfortunately only the second time I have hung out with Evan but I'm glad we got to catch up.

Monday, February 8, 2010

losing the big one

Not sure what role karma played in the Super Bowl. You could say it was coming back to bite the Colts since they purposely lost two games at the end of the season thus ending the quest for perfection. On the other side of the coin karma is giving back a little to what was once, and in some parts still is, a ruined city. Either way, Colts fans need to keep their heads up knowing that Peyton Manning is still our quarterback and that every season he plays is another chance to get to back to the big game.